Apostelkirche Velbert

The regional „Demenznetz Velbert“ organises an open event commemorating the „Weltalzheimertag“ (World Alzheimer’s Day) Sept. 21st, 2024 to motivate those affected, their relatives as well as members and friends to celebrate life on this day.

The Apostelkirche in Velbert hosts this party. Good weather provided, the event will take place outside, otherwise inside the parish hall.

Keenan Joyce will proudly support this event with an extensive gig, please feel free to join:

Apostelkirche Velbert
Wichernstraße 1
42549 Velbert
located here

gig takes place Sept. 21st, 2024 and starts at 2 p.m. and will end around 3.30 p.m.

Romantic Folk